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Trivia #13

By Algae S. Densing


Algae S. Densing

First Published: 2013/07/31



When cellophane was invented by Jacques Brandenberger in 1908, it was so expensive and used only as wrapping papers for luxurious gifts. Today cellophane is produced cheaply but can cost a lot of money if not properly disposed of.




Algae S. Densing. "Trivia #13." Cyberdasm. 2016/01/19. Accessed 2025/01/21. /publ/volume_6/facts/the_price_of_the_cellophane/26-1-0-140.

Algae S. Densing. "Trivia #13." Cyberdasm. 2016/01/19. Date of access 2025/01/21, /publ/volume_6/facts/the_price_of_the_cellophane/26-1-0-140.

Algae S. Densing (2016/01/19). "Trivia #13." Cyberdasm. Retrieved 2025/01/21, /publ/volume_6/facts/the_price_of_the_cellophane/26-1-0-140.