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EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY with rationalization



First Published: 2014/05/29

1. In Technology Integration Program (TIP), teacher Judith looks her current teaching problems and identify technology based methods that may offer good solutions. Which of the following phases does teacher Judith consider?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Decide on objectives and assessment

c. Design Integration strategies

d. Prepare the Environment


Rationalization: A – in determining the relative advantage of TIP, teacher must ask himself “Why should I use technology-based method?”, thus a teacher must look at his current or existing teaching problems and identify what technology-based method may solve such problem


2. Teacher Jade asks himself “What teaching strategies and activities will work best?” Hence, teacher Jade decides o instructional strategies and ho to carry them out. Which of the following must not be considered by Teacher Jade?

a. Instructional Approaches

b. Curriculum Approaches

c. Sequencing

d. Rubrics


Rationalization: D – In Phase-3 (Design Integration Strategies), teachers create an instructional design for technology integration, they consider the characteristics of their topics and the needs of their students and decide on an instructional course of action that address both within the constraint of their classroom environment. This means making decisions about instructional approaches, grouping and sequence


3. In determining the relative advantage of the Technology Integration in teaching, the teaching must ensure that use of technology is consistent with their views of what it means to be a good teacher. This refers to __________.

a. Compatibility

b. Complexity

c. Observability

d. Triability


Rationalization: A – compatibility refers to considering methods consistent with cultural values and beliefs and others adopted in the past. For example, teachers see using technology as compatible with their views of what is means to be a good teacher.


4. Teacher Robert reviews outcome data and Information on technology integrated methods and determine what should be changed to make them work better next time. Which of the following must teacher Robert consider to ensure that the technology integrated in teaching worked well?

a. Students spend more time trying to make the technology work than on learning the topic.

b. Teacher Robert cannot justify the cost and preparation in term of benefits to her students

c. Teacher Gemma, the principal of teacher Robert, sees technology activity as a seam less part of the lesson

d. the problem teacher Robert tries to address is still there.


Rationalization: C – A, B, and D indicate that teacher Robert hasn’t integrated technology well, while choice C is an indicator of well integrated technology in teaching.


5. Teacher Aries wants to increase his productivity in teaching by using technology, this is manifested by the following, except:

a. Freeing time to work with students

b. Providing fast and accurate information

c. Production of better looking instructional materials

d. checking papers individually and manually


Rationalization: D – A, B, & C are manifestation of increased productivity of a teacher using technology in teaching. Choice D obviously not consistent with technology integration, one feature of technology is immediate feedback and auto generations scores.


6. Principal Linda views computers as capable of managing and delivering instruction. Which of the following views does Principal Linda adhere?

a. Audio-visual view

b. Vocational training view

c. Computer-based view

d. Instructional System view


Rationalization: C – Managing and delivering of instruction belong to the technology in education as computers and computer based


7. Teacher Oliver asked his students to do a research work about Philippines History and Geography, which off the following “search words” is best recommended to the students?

a. Research History

b. History

c. Philippine

d. Philippine History


Rationalization: D – Information in the internet is abound, the more generic the search word is, the more general the information being retrieved, hence, a student searching about Philippine History and Geography has to discriminate what words so search, from the choices above, the most appropriate is Philippine History


8. Teacher Grace decided to integrate Technology into teaching, but before integrating technology in teaching, the following must be considered by Teacher Grace, except

a. Purchase products

b. Develop a philosophy of education

c. Identity the problems

d. Impose prejudices against technology


Rationalization: D – Choices A, B, and C are necessary antecedent conditions before integrating technology in teaching. To impose prejudices or biases against technology indicated that there is a resistance in the use of technology in teaching.


9. Principal Maduma emphasized reminded the teachers regarding the unique instructional capabilities of integrating technology into teaching, he said, the following are the unique features of technology in facilitating learning EXCEPT

a. Linking learners to information and educational resources

b. Help learners visualize problems and solutions

c. Involves learners into funny experiences

d. Help tracking learners’ progress


Rationalization: C – Engaging learning is different from funny learning. A, B, and D are unique instructional capabilities of integrating technology in education.


10. Teacher Ana tried to convince her fellow teachers to use technology in teaching because of the following reasons stated below: Which of these reason you think teachers do not agree with?

a. Increase teachers’ productivity

b. Support for new instructional approaches

c. Increase fees for computers and laboratories

d. Required skills for an information age


Rationalization: C – integration of technology in education is primarily because there is a need to increase teacher’s productivity, a support for the new instructional approaches brought about by the demand of the information age. Hence, increasing fees for computers and laboratories is not the immediate purpose of technology integration in teaching.


11. Anthony Louis, a freshmen high school was convinced by his parents that using technology in learning motivates the learner, which of the following is not motivation for integrating technology in teaching?

a. Gaining Learner’s attention

b. Engaging learners more time to play

c. Engaging learners more time to play

d. Increasing perception of control


Rationalization: B – Gaining Learner’s attention and engaging the learners through productive work as well as increasing learner’s perception are the best motivation for integrating technology in teaching. A teacher should not integrate technology in his teaching just so the students find time to play and enjoy playing instead of enjoy learning.


12. Many graduates remained unemployed today, one of the reasons for the ballooning unemployment rate is graduate do not possess the necessary skills in the information age which of the following is not considered an information age?

a. Technology skills

b. Writing skills

c. Information skills

d. Visual skills

Rationalization: B – Technology, visual and Information skills are some of the skills needed in the age of technology


13. When teacher create an instructional design for technology integration, they consider the characteristics of their topic and the needs of their students and decide on an instructional course of action that addresses both within the constraints of their classroom environment, this means making decisions about:

a. Instructional Approaches

b. Curriculum Approaches

c. Sequence

d. All of the above

Rationalization: D – instructional approaches, curriculum approaches, and sequences are the factors to be considered in phase 3 (design integration strategies) of TIP.


14. Each place you visit on the internet has an address. Example of this address is what do you call this address?

a. Web address

b. Web locator

c. Uniform resource locator

d. Universal Resource Address


Rationalization: C – web address should not be confused with URL (Uniform Resource Locator)


15. Every server on the internet has an assigned label called domain name. In the address which is the domain name?

a. http

b. www

c. coolteacher28

d. ph


Rationalization: C – part of URL


16. Another part of URL is the domain designator. In the address which is the domain designator?

a. http

b. www

c. elearning

d. ph


Rationalization: D – see parts of the URL


17. If u wants to browse an internet address, where do you type or enter the URL?

a. Search line

b. Browse line

c. Address line

d. URL line


Rationalization: C – In search line or search box, what we type are search words, while in the address line we type the URL or web address.


18. In the address provided http://www.elearning .com/Ronnie what do you call Ronnie as part of the address?

a. Server

b. Domain designator

c. Suffixes

d. Locator


Rationalism: C – All other parts of the URL found after the slash after the domain designator are called suffixes.


19.Kikay drag the mouse pointer it over an image without clicking the mouse, and the pointer turns into a browser hand this means that the image is ____________

a. Editable

b. Linked

c. Protected

d. Erasable


Rationalism: B – definition of linked images


20. Paul wants to mark the address of the site for his book virtual game. What does he do?

a. Copy and save the address in his notepad

b. Copy and save the address in his cellphone

c. Memorize the address


Rationalization: C – Bookmark is a way of allowing the internet user to memorize or recall the previous sites being browsed, specifically those site the internet user wanted to use again in the future.


21. Teacher Michael decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked how many copies of software and how many unit computers are available at the laboratory. Teacher Michael is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: C – Teachers organize the teaching environment so technology plans to carried out effectively


22. Teacher PJ decided to integrate technology resources be needed? Teacher PJ is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: C – teachers organize the teaching environment so technology plans be carried out effectively.


23. Teacher Gemma decided to integrate technology into her teaching, in the process of planning, she asked “should activities be directed or constructed?” Teacher Gemma is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: B – Issues to address in Phase 3:

-Should activities be directed, constructivist, or a combination of these?

-Will the instruction be single or inter-disciplinary?

-Should activities be individual, paired, small group, large group, whole class?

-What strategies should I use to encourage students to be integrally involved with the technologies?


24. Teacher Mark decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “What sequence of activities should I teach?” Teacher Mark is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: B – Issues address in Phase 3


25. Teacher Arnold decided to integrate technology into his teaching. In the process of planning, he asked “Are there topics I have difficulty teaching?” Teacher Arnold is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: A – Issues to address in Phase I


26. Teacher Sophia decided to integrate technology into her teaching, in the process of planning, she asked “What kinds of performance do I expect students to show they learned?” Teacher Sophia is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: D – Issues to address phase 2


27. Teacher Kenneth decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “What other methods could gauge success?” Teacher Kenneth is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: D – issues to address in Phase 2


28. Teacher Rommel decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Should activities be individual or by group? Teacher Rommel is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: B – Issues to address in Phase 3

-Should activities be directed, constructivist, or a combination of these?

-Will the instruction be single or inter-disciplinary?

-Should activities be individual, paired, small group, large group, whole class?

-What strategies should I use to encourage students to be integrally involved with the technologies?

-What sequence of activities should I teach?


29. Teacher Christian decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Have I allowed students enough time to get used to materials before beginning a graded activity?” Teacher Christian is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: B – Issues to address in Phase 3

-Should activities be directed, constructivist, or a combination of these?

-Will the instruction be single or inter-disciplinary?

-Should activities be individual, paired, small group, large group, whole class?

-What strategies should I use to encourage students to be integrally involved with the technologies?

-What sequence of activities should I teach?


30. Teacher Jerro decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Do I need to schedule time in a laboratory or media center?” Teacher Jerro is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: C – Teachers organize the teaching environment so technology plans be carried out effectively

-How many computers and copies of software will be needed to carry out the activities?

-How many computers and copies of software are available?

-Is there an available laboratory or media center?

-What other equipment, software, media and resources will be needed?

-How long does it take to carry out the activities?



31. Teacher Allan decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Have I solicited feedback from students about how to improve activities?” Teacher Allan is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: B – Issues to address in Phase 5

-Have I identified an instructional problem to solve?

-Have I solicited feedback from students about how to improve activities?

-Have I considered alternative ways to set up equipment so activities go more smoothly?

-What do I need to change to achieve better impact?


32. Teacher Eric decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “What do I need to change to achieve better impact?” Teacher Eric is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments

Rationalization: A – Issues to address in Phase 5

-Have I identified and instructional problem to solve?

-Have I solicited feedback from students about how to improve activities?

-Have I considered alternative ways to set up equipment so activities go more smoothly?

-What do I need to change to achieve better impact?


33. Teacher Marco decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Have I reviewed results and determined if the strategy has solved the problem or could solve the problem with changes?” Teacher Marco is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Evaluate and revise


Rationalization: D – Issues to address in Phase 5

-Have I identified and instructional problem to solve?

-Have I solicited feedback from students about how to improve activities?

-Have I considered alternative ways to set up equipment so activities go more smoothly?

-What do I need to change to achieve better impact?

-Did the new strategy solve the problem?


34. Teacher Ana decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “What is the problem I am addressing?” Teacher Ana is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessment


Rationalization: A – Issues to address on Phase 1

-Are there topics or curriculum objectives I have difficulty teaching?

-Do any of these instructional problem areas have technology-based solutions?

-What is the relative advantage of the technology-based solutions?

-Is the relative advantage sufficient to justify the effort involved?


35. Teacher Cathy decided to integrate technology into her teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Do technology-based methods offer solution with sufficient relative advantage?” Teacher Cathy is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessment


Rationalization: A – Issues to address in Phase 1

-Are there topics or curriculum objectives I have difficulty teaching?

-Do any of these instructional problem areas have technology-based solutions?

-Is the relative advantage sufficient to justify the effort involved?





36. Teacher Rogel decided to integrate Technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Do the desired instrument exist or do I have to develop them? Teacher Rogel is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessment


Rationalization: D – Issues to address in Phase 2

-What kind of performance do I expect from students to show they learned?

-What is the best way for me to assess student’s learning progress and products?

-Do the desired instrument exist or do I have to develop them?

-What other methods could measure success?


37. Teacher Carl decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “What is the best way to assess student’s learning progress and products?” Teacher Carl is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessment


Rationalization: D – Issues to address in Phase 2

-What kind of performance do I expect from students to show they learned?

-What is the best way for me to assess student’s learning progress and products?

-Do the desired instrument exist or do I have to develop them?

-What other methods could measure success?


38. Teacher Mario decided to integrate technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Will instruction be single subject or inter-disciplinary?” Teacher Mario is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessment


Rationalization: B – Issues to address on Phase 3

-Should activities be directed, constructivist, or a combination of these?

-Will the instruction be single or inter-disciplinary?

-Should activities be individual, paired, small group, large group, whole class?

-What strategies should I use to encourage students to be integrally involved with the technologies?

-What sequence of activities should I teach?


39. Teacher Luciano decided to integrate Technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “Have I built in time to test run an equipment set-up before the students arrive?” Teacher Luciano is in what stage of TIP?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments



Rationalization: C – Teachers organized the teaching environment so technology plans be carried out effectively

-How many computers and copies of software will be needed to carry out the activities?

-How many computers and copies of software are available?

-Is there an available laboratory or media center?

-What other equipment, software, media and resources will be needed?

-How long does it take to carry out the activities?


40. Teacher Jayson decided to integrate Technology into his teaching, in the process of planning, he asked “What other equipment, software, media and resources will be needed?

a. Determine the relative advantage

b. Design integration strategies

c. Prepare the environment

d. Decide on objectives and assessments


Rationalization: C – Teachers organize the teaching environment so technology plans be carried out effectively

-How many computers and copies of software will be needed to carry out the activities?

-How many computers and copies of software are available?

-Is there an available laboratory or media center?

-What other equipment, software, media and resources will be needed?

-How long does it take to carry out the activities?


. "EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY with rationalization." Cyberdasm. 2014/05/29. Accessed 2025/01/21. /publ/volume_1/questionnaires/educational_technology_with_rationalization/39-1-0-165.

. "EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY with rationalization." Cyberdasm. 2014/05/29. Date of access 2025/01/21, /publ/volume_1/questionnaires/educational_technology_with_rationalization/39-1-0-165.

(2014/05/29). "EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY with rationalization." Cyberdasm. Retrieved 2025/01/21, /publ/volume_1/questionnaires/educational_technology_with_rationalization/39-1-0-165.